A New York classic, these iconic cookies are more like flat cakes coated with chocolate icing on one half and vanilla on the other. Martha made this recipe...
These cookies look like little snow-covered mountains. Roll each ball in confectioners' sugar twice to make sure it's thoroughly coated and no dark dough...
A bakery classic in Eastern Europe, these lip-smacking treats combine a sweet yeast-based dough with a jam filling and a sugary glaze. They're usually...
Our macaroon-cookie confection joins coconut and fudgy dough in mouthwatering matrimony; roasted almonds seal the deal. The fact that these treats are...
Buttermilk gives the chocolate cookies a subtle tanginess that offsets the rich buttercream filling beautifully. Martha made this recipe on episode 708...
Although carrot cake didn't appear in U.S. cookbooks until the second half of the twentieth century, today it is indisputably a classic and beloved American...
This cookie was popularized by World War I care packages sent to soldiers of the Australia New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), since they could be made without...
Instead of old-fashioned oatmeal raisin, swap in apricots and white chocolate. The white chocolate's sweetness tempers the tang of the fruit, creating...
Named after the jam-filled linzertorte that inspired them, these beautiful heart-shaped cookies are ideal for a wedding dessert buffet, Valentine's Day,...
Fruitcake bars are very forgiving. You can bake them months ahead, and substitute almost any fruit or nut you like for one you don't. Aim for a balance...
Get kids helping out in the kitchen with this great starter recipe. Serve these tasty treats cool and sliced into squares.From the book "Mad Hungry," by...
Maureen Kirk, of Malvern, Pennsylvania, sent us a recipe for her family's favorite crispy, chewy treats. She says, "These simple cookies are delicious...
This unbeatable blondie recipe combines the buttery flavor and chocolate chips from everyone's favorite cookies with the appealing texture of the best...
Here's one of the best-kept secrets of professional bakers: It takes only one cookie dough to produce a beautiful assortment of holiday cookies. Use this...
The German town of Nuremberg has been famous for its lebkuchen since the late 1300s. The soft, cakey cookies are traditionally made with several spices,...
Everyone will adore this outsize version of the classic treat. Each crisp-chewy cookie is spiced with cinnamon and studded with dark, golden, and Monukka...
Deep, dark chocolate, rich caramel, and a sprinkling of fleur de sel atop a shortbread crust make a contemporary combination with timeless appeal. Martha...
A combination of nuts and dried fruits with a rich chocolate coating makes these cookies, from Gramercy Tavern pastry chef Claudia Fleming, a delectable...
These French sandwich cookies seem like quite the task, but with a few simple tricks, you'll find these Macarons is easy to make-you'll be an expert in...
Chocolate biscotti -- full of pistachios and chocolate chips -- are paired with pistachio ice cream. Softer than traditional biscotti, these are baked...
Bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder give a classic cereal bar a devilish twist. With only five ingredients and 10 minutes of prep work, who could resist...
Hamantaschen cookies are popular treats for the feast of Purim, which joyfully celebrates the Jews' deliverance from the detested Haman. Make sure the...